ThetaTrance Painting: the following Energy Healing Signs
have been channeled with the intent to offer healing on specific subject. They can be used during meditation, in your daily life or event to energize your water/cream...
The energy of colors and forms enhance the healing process of the body, mind & soul by dissolving old patterns and creating new supportive vibrations.
Format 15x10 cm
Material Laminated (Plastic) for long term use
Cost CHF 25 each + delivery cost per post
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Click on the sign for further information on its energy.
Example of Use
I personally like to use the INFINITE TRUST sign during my channeling consultation and channeled meditation evening.
I simply have placed a card under the cushion of my chair and integrated on in my mediation cushion. I simply leave them there.
It gives me this extra boost of confidence which I am always happy to receive.
Every morning, during my meditation, I ask what would support me today, for my highest good. I then place the card under my jar of water.
Catherine Nuurja
Be in the full Power of your Own Energy by creating healthy boundaries. Leave behind which is not yours.
Energetically align your different chakras and ground yourself to Mother Earth. Help to materialise.
Create Trust at all level of your Being - body - mind - soul.
Decide consciously to seek and see happiness in your life. Very helpful in period of stress.
Bless your Future and experience today its blessings.
I AM that I AM. Stand proudly in you, for you and behind who you are in here and now.
Believe that you are at the right time, in the right place, with the right people. Helps you welcome the support of the Universe.